

Peer reviewed articles:

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Hendriks, R.T.J., van Eenbergen, M.C.H.J., de Boer, M.L., Sleeman, S., Boll, D., Husson, O., Bootsma, T.I. (2024). ‘There is still a part of me that would love to be the old me again’, how do adolescents and young adults (AYA) experience cancer-related bodily changes: a phenomenological interview study | Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Kapeller, A. and Boer, M.L. de (2024, forthcoming) Self-testing for dementia: A phenomenological exploration of fear | Journal of Medical Humanities

Boer, M.L., Halsema, A. (2024, forthcoming) Mimicking Myths of Menopause. A critical phenomenological perspective on aging and femininity in fiction TV shows | Philosophy and Social Criticism.

Boer, M.L. de; Marieke Hendriks; Emiel J. Krahmer; Jenny Slatman, and Nadine Bol (2023, online first) ‘Un/tracking menopause. How self-tracking mediates women’s self-experiences in menopause’ | Health: an Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness, and Medicine

Boer, M.L. de (2023, online first) ‘'Becumming' oneself as one relates to others. An empirical phenomenological study about sexual identity work in menopause’ | Sexualities.

Groenevelt, I. and M.L. de Boer (2023) ‘Contesting misrecognition online. Experiences of epistemic in/justice in vlogging about contested illnesses’ | Social Science & Medicine, online first.

Boer, M.L. de, Slatman, J. (2023) ‘Producing ME/CFS in Dutch newspapers.
A social-discursive analysis about non/credibility
’ | Social Epistemology, online first

Boer, M.L. de (2022) ‘Towards gender equity at the university: commitment, cash, creativity, and a critical lens’ | The Good of the University. Strategic Reflections from the Tilburg Young Academy, Tilburg University Press

Boer, M.L. de & S. de Haan (2022) ‘Health Humanities. Een interdisciplinaire en intersectionele kijk op gezondheid en ziekte’ | Tijdschrift voor Gezondheid en Ethiek, 32(3)

Boer, M.L. de (2022), ‘Self-tracking and Self-monitoring’ | Encyclopedia entry in the Wiley Encyclopedia for Health Communication.

Boer, M.L. de (2021), ‘Epistemic in/justice in patient participation. A discourse analysis of the Dutch ME/CFS Health Council advisory process.’, Sociology of Health & Illness (online first).

Folkvord, Frans, Amy van Breugel, Sanneke de Haan, Marcella de Wolf, Marjolein de Boer & Mariek Vanden Abeele (2021) “I’m only fit when my smartwatch says so”: When does the use of health tracking technologies lead to bodily empowerment or bodily alienation?, Fronties in Digital Health (online first).

Boer, M.L. de (2020), ‘Virile Infertile Men, and Other Representations of In/Fertile Hegemonic Masculinity in Fiction TV Series’, Journal of Medical Humanities (online first).


Zeiler, K. and Boer, M.L. de (2020) ‘The Empirical and the Philosophical in Empirical Bioethics: Time for a Conceptual Turn’. American Journal of Bioethics: Empirical Bioethics 11(1).

Boer, M.L. de, Bondevik, H., Solbraekke, K.N. (2019) 'Beyond pathology. Women’s lived experiences of melancholy and mourning in infertility treatment', BMJ Medical Humanities (online first).

Boer, M.L. de, Archetti, C., Solbrække, K.N. (2019) ‘In/fertile monsters. The emancipatory significance of representations of women on infertility reality TV’,  Journal of Medical Humanities (online first).

Solli, K.O., Boer, M.L. de, Solbrække, K.N., Thoresen, L. (2018) ‘Male partners’ experiences of caring for women with cervical cancer’, Journal of Clinical Nursing 28, 987–996.

Boer, M.L. de, Zeiler, K., Slatman, J. (2018) ‘Sharing lives, sharing bodies: partners negotiating breast cancer experiences’. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (online first), 1-13.


Boer, M.L. de, Slatman, J. (2018) ‘Voorbij het vertoog. De existentiële betekenis van veelzijdige borstkankerverhalen’ Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek 2. [Title: Beyond discourse: the existential meaning of pluriform breast cancer stories]. 

Boer, M.L. de, Slatman, J. (2018) ‘Kliniek en vertoog zijn verknoopt (nawoord)’ Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek 2. [Title: Clinic and discourse are entangled]. 

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Boer, M.L. de, Slatman, J. (2018) ‘The mediated breast: technology, agency, and breast cancer’. Human Studies, 41 (2), 275–292.

Leunissen, T., Boer, M.L. de, Hulst, R. van der, Slatman, J. (2016) ‘Exploring novel dimensions of body experience after breast reconstruction’, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 7, 32–41. 


Boer, M.L. de, Hulst, R. van der, Slatman, J. (2015) ‘The surprise of a breast reconstruction: A longitudinal phenomenological study to women’s expectations about reconstructive surgery’, Human Studies 38 (3), 409-430. 

Boer, M.L. de, Slatman, J. (2014) ‘Blogging and Breast Cancer, Narrating One’s Life, Body and Self on the Internet’, Women’s Studies International Forum 44, 17-25. 

Boer, M.L. de (2011) ‘De hemel dat zijn de anderen, de ethische betekenis van de seksuele liefde bij Simone de Beauvoir’, in: Ethische Perspectieven 21 (1), p. 37-54. [Title: Heaven are the others, the ethical meaning of sexual love in the works of Simone de Beauvoir]. 


Peer reviewed book chapter:

Boer, M. L. de (2022). Virile infertile men, and other representations of in/fertile hegemonic masculinity in fiction television series. In The COVID Pandemic: Essays, Book Reviews, and Poems (pp. 147-164). Springer, Cham.

Boer, M.L. de (2010) ‘Anarchisme: religieuze redelijkheid. Een essay over het mystieke anarchisme van Michael Bakoenin’, in: Terpstra, Marin en Inigo Bocken (red.) Religie en rede: een dialoog, Speldenprikjes tegen wederzijdse vooroordelen, Eburon, Delft, p. 67-86. [Title: Anarchism: religious reason. An essay about the mystic anarchism of Michael Bakunin]. 

PhD thesis:

Boer, M.L. de (2016) ‘Extended bodies, an empirical-philosophical study to women’s bodily experiences in breast cancer’, Maastricht, Maastricht University Press.

Book and conference reviews:

Boer, M.L. de (2011) 'Global Basic Rights', in: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73-2, p. 403.

Boer, M.L. de (2010) ‘Card and Marsobian’s Genocide’s Aftermath’, in: Ethical Perspectives, 17 (3), p. 506-509.

Boer, M.L. de (2010) Terugblik op de conferentie over publieke vergeving in postconflict- contexten. URL: [Title: Looking back at the conference on public forgiveness in post conflict contexts.]

Boer, M.L. de (2010) ‘Child, Victim, Soldier. The loss of innocence in Uganda. By Donald H. Dunson’, in: Ethical Perspectives 17(1), p. 127-128.

Boer, M.L. de (2009) Symposium about the political meaning of holy texts‟, in: Tijdschrift voor Theologie 49 (2).